Why would you make a sandwich at 7 am and slop on globs of mustard, mayo, cheese, tomato, lettuce and pickles? Then wrap it all up tight in clear plastic to set in an open refrigerator for hours.GROSS!
Point 1: Who can honestly say they would enjoy eating that several hours after it was made. The bread is soggy, wilted lettuce and the cheese gets that slimy consistancy. Point 2: The condiments added are just unnesecary. Let people add there own. Lots of people don’t like mustard, it is a very acuired taste. Mayo is dairy as well as CHEESE. I am lactose intolerant. I spend more time scraping off the things I don’t like than I do consuming the actual sandwich. Point 3:Let’s keep is simple people. Meat and bread. Let us add what we want at the condiment stand. That way everyones happy. And if you are one of those peole who enjoys it pre-made because you are in a rush and don’t want to deal with making it yourself….you should set your clock forward so you have 5 extra minutes to perfect your own sammy.